Things you do on Facebook Vs How They Are Actually Being Perceived By Your Friends

Where Facebook mostly makes us happy by being socially connected to our friends and family, let us warn you that it can put you down and take a toll on your self-respect. How? By your own self-destructing actions that you take for granted. Here’s a list of some of the most self-destructing thing we often find ourselves doing on Facebook vs how they are being perceived by people in our friend list:

1. When you share a video with someone.

2. When you share one of those Quirky Listicles.

3. When you share Celebrity Gossips.

4. When shared those controversial social news.

5. When you post your new profile picture.

6. When you post one of those MIND BLOWING quotes and end up writing a miss-spelled author’s name.

7. When you delete your account temporarily to get other people’s attention.


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