Ten useful things that you can make from a 3d printer

3D printers have made the life
easier. One can make many useful things using 3D printing technology. The article discusses the ten useful things that you can make from a 3D printer


                                  In the modern life of prototyping, 3d printing plays a significant role to make our life easy and simple. Not long back did 3d printing entered into the world of creativity. The technology lets you build 3D models of any desired object.
                           You simply should have basic knowledge of any 3D modeling software such as CAD to make your digital image of your desired item. The digital image becomes the basis of the 3D model that you will print using a 3D printer.
           The 3D modeled items created using a 3D printer are relatively simpler in operation and cost effective on your pocket. Let us now see ten extremely useful things that you can create using a 3D printer.

1. Models for Medical Science Applications

3D printing can help you unleash your creativity in the field of medical science. You can create impressive and elaborate 3D models even for educational purpose. You can also create 3D printed models to be used as dummy models for practicing surgery.
Such models are already in use in various medical institutions and colleges. They are identical to live subjects. Surgeons practice on these printed models before a real patient goes under the knife.  It certainly helps in developing a medicine student into a good surgeon.

2. A gun that works

One can even create a 3D printed workable model of a gun. Not only a gun, armament scientists have created parts of various armaments such as trigger mechanism, recoil mechanism, magazines of rifles, and pistols, etc. utilizing a 3D printer.
Even full models of dummy guns have been created that are used in different training institutions for the training of cadets and recruits. These models are highly effective for the training of the cadets as you can not differentiate between a 3D model or a real rifle or pistol.

3. Camera Lens

A fully functional 3D printed camera lens is another beautiful and useful object that you can create using a 3D printer. You can capture beautiful natural images using such a camera lens. The creation of such camera lens is complex.
However, with a little practice, you can easily create a functional lens. You do not require a lot of technical expertise in making a camera lens with these 3d printers. Generally, acrylic replaces the glass on the Lens.

4. Models for your children

You can convert the drawings made by your child into a 3D figure. It also helps the child to learn and comprehend as instead of a 2D image the child sees the 3D model of any object of interest. Numerous schools and colleges are already using 3D printers to educate children and students about humdrum subjects such as History and Social Science.
Models of historical artifacts, coins, villages, towns, war scenarios, globe, natural resources, geographical locations in the world, seasonal changes, Universe, Earth and other Planets, Stars and Galaxies, etc. are shown to students for a very simple understanding and comprehension. It becomes a very innovative and amazingly easy way of teaching the students. You can do it for your children at home. Isn’t it?

5. 3D Scan of Fetus

Oh! You are curious to know the health of your unborn child. Well, “3D scans” of your unborn child are available just for you. It gives your feelings a whole new meaning, right! The ultrasound will not give you such satisfaction.
You can see the fetus from different angles. It is 3D. The 3d model is created using 3d data with boo texture. It provides extremely positive and satisfying feeling to the parents.

6. Decorative Lights

Interested in enhancing your home décor! 3D printing is there to help you. You can create extremely beautiful and winsome decorative, hanging lights for your house or even for your outdoor garden. You can also create a standing lamp, a table or ceiling light fixture.

7. Fabrics

Designer fabric and dresses are in demand. They always have been in vogue. People spend a huge amount of money just to look different on a particular occasion. With 3D printing, even this task is very simple.
You can create single or multicolor fabric and dresses using a 3D printer. You have the flexibility to change the material of the fabric. Different binding materials can be used to give support to the dress. It is simply amazing, and your creativity knows no bound. What more, the clothing is recyclable.

8. Back Massager and Acupressure devices

People use various acupressure devices of different shape and size for application at different parts of the human body. A massage roller, back massager, roller for legs, hand, and feet, you can create any shape. It is immensely useful for people having body stress or pain.

9. Phone Amplifier

Yes, you read it right, a phone amplifier. You love music like a majority of people in this world. Amplify the music by creating a 3D printed amplifier and enjoy. Such an amplifier can be fitted in any phone and it is simply a decent device. By the way, the functionality is analogous to the original one.

10. Kitchen Tools

Ladies and Gentlemen, the application areas for 3D printed models are unending. You can create an egg separator, garlic destroyer and many other things that you will find useful in your kitchen. A stirrer, a spoon, an imaginative bowl or any other cutlery item, just think of it, and you can create it for your kitchen.
Your imagination is the only restriction. How distinct and innovatively can you think? It makes the difference.

                                             These are just a few useful objects that you can create using a 3D printer. The list is endless. Let go your creative mind. Allow it to wander in the imaginative world and fetch any idea. Use your 3D printer to bring life to the idea you just pondered. NASA plans to use a 3D printer to provide a pizza to their astronauts in space. Scientists are designing 3D printed working models of aero planes.
                                             GE, the US firm is supposedly working on creating Jet Engines using Rapid Prototyping or 3D printing as we know it colloquially. The technology is stupendous and the future is bright


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